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Inspirational Journeys Volume 1 - Stephen Page AVMCD103
Inspirational Journeys
Inspirational Journeys

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This is a double CD providing exceptional value for money. This is also a UK produced Guided Meditation album, something that is much sought after as a lot of people do not like the american produced CDs. CD1 contains two 31 minute guided meditations with background music, and CD2 contains just the music from the meditations. The inclusion of 2 CDs makes this perfect for those looking for a guided meditation CD, as well as therapists and people looking for a CD specifically good for meditation.

Inspirational Journeys - Volume 1 - Stephen Page
Released on the Aquavision Music label
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Remember this is a double album for the same price as single album
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Inspirational Journeys Volume 1 - Stephen Page AVMCD103GBP5.00 each

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